3 jul 2007

Syd Field

Dear Screenwriter,

I believe that filmmaking is in the middle of an evolution/revolution; and the change has taken place in the theatre of technology as the state of digital filmmaking has become more pronounced. This development has facilitated traditional as well as non-linear storytelling, making available countless new storytelling tools to screenwriters around the world. It is an inspiring and innovative time to be a screenwriter.

My books on screenwriting were inspired by the great French Film Director Jean Renoir's statement that a movie should be like an act of revolution. I feel the screenwriter should take responsibility for stimulating the audience into action; to think -- to feel -- to passionately inspire others.

And I truly believe that the mission of the young filmmaker is to pave the way for the future. All of us embody that future. We have the imagination, the tools, the skills, and we know the craft -- but do we have the courage and the strength to bring our own personal vision into the world?

Screenwriting is a craft that occasionally rises to the level of an art. It is my goal to help inspire screenwriters around the world to realize their vision. It is my mission, my passion.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey.



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